Supervisor’s Report – December 6, 2017
On behalf of the extraordinary men and women who work for the Town of East Greenbush I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday season. Town employees are engaged in a number of charitable activities as we recognize our own good fortune and look to help those who are less fortunate.
At the end of this month, Tom Grant, Mary Ann Matters and Deb DiMartino will step off the Town Board. Thanks to all three for their years of service to the people of East Greenbush. It’s been my honor to serve with them for the last two years and I wish them well in all future endeavors. Hollie Kennedy and Rick Matters will join the Board in January and they, along with Tina Tierney and myself, will appoint a fifth member to replace Tom Grant who is off to serve in the County Legislature.
On December 7, 2017 the East Greenbush Police Department will receive its formal accreditation from the NYS Department of Criminal Justice Services. The program has been in existence for 25 years and this recognition of our department is long overdue. The Town Board made this a priority and we’re grateful to Chief Chris Lavin and Accreditation Officer Jim Condo for their efforts in getting this done. This is a fitting badge of honor for an excellent police department!
At the December 20, 2017 Town Board meeting we’ll announce the date and location for a community meeting on the Hampton Manor water situation. We have received an engineering report from Delaware Engineering and will present the results to Manor residents. It contains important information that will allow us to compare the costs associated with staying on an improved HM water system or switching over to Troy water.
The CPA firm UHY, LLC, has completed its audit of the Town’s 2016 finances. Their report should be published in the next 4-6 weeks. After living through the debacle of being told that the Town’s finances from 2010-2014 are “un-auditable” we’re proud to complete the second year of audits as we continue to insist on transparent and accountable government. Audits allow policymakers to make good decisions and residents to have a clear understanding of what their Town government is doing with their hard-earned tax dollars.
Merry Christmas!