Berkshire Drive Water Valve Replacement

The Water Department is currently working on a water valve replacement project on Berkshire and Point View Drive.  It was discovered during recent water breaks that the valve was not working properly and would need to be replaced.  

The Water Department is currently on site preparing the site for the valve replacement.  To minimize the impact on residents, the replacement will take place after 10PM tonight, Monday, September 30th and is expected to take up to 3 hours.

The residents that will be impacted by this are residents of Berkshire Drive - some residents of Oakwood, Birchwood and Elmwood may experience service interuptions as well. Residents of Point View Drive between Highland and Evergreen will also experience service interruptions.

When the water service is restored, residents may experience air in their water lines, we advise you to let your faucet run for a few minutes.

We will advise on any further updates as needed.