Pre-Board Meeting & Public Hearing Meeting Information
The Town Board’s Pre-Board Meeting and scheduled Public Hearings will be held in person at East Greenbush Town Hall on Wednesday. The schedule is as follows:
- 5:45 PM – Public Hearing: Adoption of the Town’s 2021 Annual Report for Phase II SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems;
- 6:00 PM – Public Hearing: Site Plan Approval for a Proposed Development known as Town Center PDD-Phase 1;
- Pre-Board Meeting.
The meeting will be open to the public following Covid-19 guidelines. The Courtroom will be open to 15 members of the public that will be screened at the door.
If you are uncomfortable to attend in person, or if occupancy limits are reached, the meeting will be streamed on Town Hall Streams and the Town Facebook page. Comments and questions can be emailed to the Deputy Town Clerk until 3PM on Wednesday, May 12, 2021. When you email your comments – please indicate if it is for the:
- MS4 Public Hearing Comments,
- Town Center PDD Public Hearing Comments; or
- Pre-Board Meeting Comments
We will have the option for commenting on the stream on the Town Facebook page until the end of the Pre-Board Comment period. If you are watching via the Facebook Page and comment during the comment periods, we will have someone who will be reading those comments to the Town Board live. That designated person will also be reading comments that are emailed into the Deputy Town Clerk. Once the comment period for Pre-Board is over, we will no longer be responding to comments in real time. Additional questions and comments can be emailed following the meeting to